2012년 1월 17일 화요일

7. The Antichrist

in Attacking Christianity, Nietzsche says it is made of:
1. Hatred
2. Revenge
3. Otherworldliness
4. Denial of Scientific Methodology

How is this done?
1. Paradoxical Teaching: The God seems to have a very fickle persona. He does things that he teaches not to do.
2. One must forgive. But that is, ONLY in order to be forgiven.
3. Creating faux notions that can neither be proven nor be refuted. But the fact that it cannot be proven usually comes concomitantly with it being impossible to be disproved. Look up Bertrand Russell's teapot Atheism to help you on this one. 
4. Denial of scientific deduction/induction: Within Christianity, the result is connected with a causation, not the other way around. Of course, the latter is the proper, scientific, practical, rational, way of thinking: "if you do wrongs, you'll be punished." This sentence makes moral sense, and has the causation linked with the result. However, Christianity is based on the faulty assumption - if you suffer, that's because you sinned - that has the causation and the result muddled up. 

Also, using the notion of god and forgiveness to threaten the public is what Nietzsche thinks priests do. They use god's will to their benefit, as they see fit.

Nietzsche, however, seems to understand and respect Jesus as a person, or a historical figure. What he believes is that Christianity is founded up on a distorted version of Jesus' teaching. The teachings were engineered to be suitable for controlling the public. Using the feeling of guilt (or, bad conscience) to make people less productive and innovative benefits Church precisely because those are the qualities that poison Christianity.

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